Simple To Use For Baseball & Softball
The Backspin Tee comes with a rubber cone that easily works with Baseballs & Softballs! Simply twist the ball into the bottom of the cone and get to work.

Reveals Proper Ball Impact Location
By only revealing the bottom half of the ball, the Backspin Tee forces batters to focus on the ideal impact zone, unlike any other tee on the market.

Reinforces Ideal Bat & Swing Path
Focusing on the bottom half of the ball naturally teaches proper swing path. This leads to improved ball flight, back spin, and overall distance.

$150 OFF Limited Time Sale
Backspin Tee (Pro Model)
The Backspin Tee is designed to change the way a hitter looks at the baseball. Practicing the proper location to strike the baseball is essential. For optimal distance, you need optimal backspin; and the Backspin Tee is how you learn to achieve it every time.
Rubber Cone comes with a LIFETIME WARRANTY!
Developed by 2x Silver Slugger Matt Nokes, The Backspin batting tee forces you to focus on the middle and bottom half of the baseball. The middle and bottom half of the baseball is the part professional pitchers don’t want you to hit, because hitting that part of the baseball means backspin, which equals distance, and distance creates champions!
Traditional hitting tees are designed to prop up the baseball on top, forcing you to focus on the top of the ball while simultaneously obscuring the most important part of the ball. The Backspin Tee has no base under the baseball, which means the ball is released off the bat at contact without tipping over the tee, even on mishits.
- Hand-rolled cone for easy loading
- Available in baseball and softball models
- Angle chart graphic on base plate shows proper launch angles for line drives
- Comes with a 1-Year Warranty and 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
- Made in the USA
- Won "Best in Show" Award at the 2015 ABCA Convention
- Used & trusted by numerous MLB players
Why Backspin Tee?
Improve At The Plate
For optimal distance and launch angle, you need to strike the proper location of the baseball. By training with Backspin Tee, you will learn to properly hit the bottom half of the ball. This will increase backspin, improve distance, and most importantly help increase overall batting metrics.
Used & Trusted By The Pros
Matt Nokes
Major League All-Star & Silver Slugger Winner
"This is the first tee I have ever ran across that conditions my swing to stay in my legs, which is imperative for a hitter who wants to stay on the ball."
- Matt Kemp
Major League All-Star & MVP Runner Up
"I’ve never seen anything like it. It seems more natural to hit this way."
Alan Zinter
San Diego Hitting Coach
"Love it. We talk so much about being on plane with proper launch angles. This is a great visual before having to swing in a live game."

What makes Backspin Tee special...
How It Works
- Backspin tee presents the ball more replicable of a real pitch that requires a successful swing plane for clean contact
- The ball is suspended at the angle of a pitch, exposing the part of the ball that should be hit for optimal results
- When you hit the bottom half of the ball with a proper swing plane, you automatically will produce a desired line drive launch angle and will achieve proper backspin on contact

Start Training Like A Pro
Get Your Backspin Tee Now